Saturday 16 May 2009

Still all Hell and no notion.....

I can't believe where this year has gone! I blinked and we are almost halfway through it! I think because work is still so very very hectic the days are going quicker, though I think that is a good ting for a work day! I get in and before I know it its time to go home, still I'd rather be busy then being bored at work.

Good news on the Uni assignments, my last one, rushed though at last minute and I thought was total rubbish, actually came back with a Distinction grade! I almost fainted! Still it doesn't help me with the one I have to cobble together this weekend though! I'm already late with it and haven't even started it, luckily I got an extension and am taking the day off on Monday to finish. At least the one after that is a really fascinating subject and I am now already planning my dissertation.

Nothing much has really happened since my last post apart from work, uni, and more work! That includes no knitting. I really want to get my silk top finished but just don't seem to have the energy when I get home and weekends are full of writing! I know all work and no play makes Gilly a dull girl, but it won't be forever, work will calm down in a month or so and uni will be over in September (well for a few weeks at least!)

Oh well off back to the writing, 5,000 on the joys of marketing - what fun!

Sunday 3 May 2009

Day from Hell....

...describes yesterday to a tee! Well OK it wasn't that bad and it was really only the morning that was a disaster, but there was a whole chain of events that made me think I was going mad!

I knew it was going to be one of those days when I stepped out of the front door and landed flat on my backside! I had somehow managed to cockle over on the front door step and finished up sat on the floor, with a throbbing graze on my hip! When I finally got up and drove into the small town near us, I had a sneezing fit and as my pelvic floor isn't what it used to be - had a slight accident, which I have to add the kids found highly hilarious! By this point I was thinking I should have stayed in bed!

Things picked up until I looked at my bank account and was horrified to see it was almost empty! Have I over spent on Birthdays? No, the online supermarket that at this point shall remain nameless had done it again! Back in February the online service I use managed to take payment out three times and although the money was still sat in my bank, I couldn't actually access it as it had been ring fenced! Well this had happened again - only a much bigger amount! I was livid to say the least! After a lengthy conversation with my bank it finally got sorted and the money was released so I am now able to actually draw some out, but as for the supermarket - I haven't even started with them yet!!! Needless to say I won't be using that service again, I guess I'll just have to actually go and do my shopping myself! Ill be complaining when I have composed myself and my fury has subsided a little!

May Bank Holiday - its here already!

I can't believe the speed this year has gone! Work deadlines are looming when it seems like yesterday we had "ages" to get things done! It will be half term again before I know it and Hollie will be leaving school, mind you it only seems like 5 minutes ago she was born. Back in the here and now I am just going to enjoy this weekend as it'll probably be the last work free one for a while as I have yet another assignment to complete - still at the rate this year is going, my course will have ended in the blink of an eye!

Its been a busy birthday month for me, there are loads of April birthdays at work and closer to home two of my best friends within days of each other! Sandie is seeing Dawne before I will so I dropped her pressie off there yesterday, she was looking well and really pleased she had an excellent review on her mini lesson she did for her teaching course, mind you I wasn't surprised, she is a natural teacher and has the patience of a saint! Well done Sandie!

A more difficult task was selecting gifts for an April birthday yarn swap which I joined on Ravelry. I was relieved when firstly the parcel actually arrived on time and secondly my swap buddy is really happy with it! I always tend to take ages deciding what to buy people and am never sure I get it right, so it's a relief to know when I do! My pressie from her was gorgeous, especially the divine silk/bamboo yarn in my favorite colour.

So other then birthdays its been fairly quiet. There is a lot going on at work but couldn't possibly divulge anything on here at the moment but watch this space (well watch it if you are really that interested, which I suspect you wouldn't be!)

Saturday 25 April 2009

Spring has sprung!

Well at last it seems that the nice weather is here, it's been a lovely week just hope it holds out a bit longer.

Work is finally settling down and I am getting used to my new team mates although its been a fraught process! I arranged a team building timeout event last week and I think we all understand each other a bit better, well at least I hope the others do! We are having trouble though finding a temp with the skills we need and that will fit into the team! Ah well these things are sent to try us.

We finally got started on the garden today, I am definitely no gardener and neither is Al! He merrily (not) cut the grass while I started on the weeding, then the cavalry arrived in the form of my Dad with more tools! He did notice though that not only had I been merrily pulling weeds up, I'd managed to take out most of the plants as well! Ops! At least its looking nice out there, well it will be once the weedkiller has taken hold on the patio anyway!

As for the knitting front to say its been slow would be an exaggeration! I haven't done any for a few weeks now, been too busy writing assignments! I have another one due in a couple of weeks and naturally I haven't even started! Looks like the knitting will be on hold a bit longer!

Saturday 11 April 2009

Back online again (just)...

Wow its been a hectic few weeks since I last posted! Work has been absolutely manic with the senior team running round like headless chickens which has rubbed off on the rest of us making for a very tense working atmosphere! I've been coming home with my head buzzing and still loads of stuff to finish! Oh joy, still silly season should be over soon although some of the personalities in the senior team I think will grate on me for eternity - I think ear plugs and stress balls will be permanently on my desk!

On top of this, Mother was taken into hospital. She is OK now but gave us all a bit of a fright! She is back home now which is a relief but still has to keep going back for tests. It didn't help she caught an infection while in hospital though, I'm sure she'll have something to say about that to them!

So with all the hell and no notion going on I am behind with my assignment for uni! I did get a week's extension, but have got writer's block! My head is so full of stuff at the moment it feels like there is constant chatter going on in my brain and non of it makes sense (OK I feel the straight jackets coming out now!) Fortunately I have been off work this week which was well needed, although I don't feel a week is long enough! I just hope everyone has calmed down when I get back!

Since I last posted I also turned 40! Now I feel really old and think I need a mid-life crisis! The celebrations lasted over a week in one way or another, but I'll blog about that later after I have written some more drivel about Information Management for my assignment! OK whinge over - back to the writing!

Friday 20 March 2009

Thank God Its Friday!

Phew - got to Friday at long last! It's been a long horrible week. Work has been manic and frankly I am beginning to think I should have stayed in the job I was in and not moved! The department is in a total mess and I have to get it sorted by the end of April which will take a miracle! Sigh, oh well think I'll be keeping my eye out for something else, the only trouble is me and hundreds of others!

On a positive note, I have still managed to keep of the ciggies! It's been well over a week and I think the lack of nicotine is adding to my stress levels, I'm still a psycho bitch from hell and think I might be for a few more weeks - people beware! When I feel like having a cigarette I think about all the nice things I can buy with the money I'm saving not smoking - I intend to spend the money on frivolous purchases to make me happy and not letting it absorb into the pot!

Other news this week:
Roz has tendinitis and has her arm all bandaged up and a splint in place! She is off work next week on leave so hope she'll get better soon - she keeps me sane in all the madness that is the office!
Dawne has been made redundant. She was half expecting it but it has still come as a bit of a shock. I must ring her this weekend.
Ooo I was given a lovely bottle of Rose wine for knitting a scarf for one of the girls at work - so it's not all doom and gloom!
And finally I learned what "Happy Hump Day" means! It's, ahem, not what I first thought it meant, it means happy Wednesday! LOL

Sunday 15 March 2009

Losing the plot!

Well its been one of those weeks and I am now convinced I am losing the plot! I've had a cough over the last few days from a nasty bug and decided it would be a good time to give up smoking s it made my cough worse! This is where I lost the plot and found myself in a lose lose situation!! I stopped smoking Wednesday and was very grumpy to the point of getting to work Thursday morning and bursting into tears for no reason whatsoever! Oh the joys of nicotine withdrawal! Th trouble was that if a smoked a cigarette it made me cough worse which also made me grumpy - I don't envy my colleagues and family this week, I've been a bear with a sore head (or nasty cough and no nicotine!)

Anyway, I am over the worst now, the cough is slowly clearing up and I think I am just about free of needing nicotine, although its not the drug so much now as the habit I miss - I'll have to remedy that somehow! What has helped though is that every time I crave a cigarette, I think about what else I could spend my hard earned cash on - like those high end yarns I love so much, or a handbag, or some shoes - the list is endless! I have decided that any money I would have spent on cigarettes (and its a fair bit!) I am going to indulge myself with some of life's luxury goods! Well there has to be some incentive and I must TRY not to be too grumpy although I think I can be excused for being grumpy on a Monday so bear with sore head will be back tomorrow!

Sunday 8 March 2009

More finished objects....

I'm on a roll and finished two more small projects that have been sat on my needles for a while!

The first one is a small make-up bag I made using the free yarn that came with Lets Knit magazine the other month. I had been deciding what to do with it and in the end I just cast on a few stitiches and started knitting! It was going to be a needle roll but then I decided to line it and add some wire butterflies and a wire flower as a fastner and hey presto it turned into a make-up bag!

The other is a beanie hat I've been knitting since before Christmas. It seems to have taken me ages to knit this, I kept putting it down and picking it up not really getting into the flow, but today I decided enough was enough and it had to be completed and here is the finished result! That leaves me with only one UFO now but it will be sometime beofre that one gets done as it is another epic throw! I'm not sure what it will turn out like either so it may end up being ripped and turning into something completly different!

There is also that gorgeous silk top I can't wait to get started on but as its done on circulars I am going to start it when I have time to sit down and concentrate on it without any interuptions!

Well back to the shortlisting now, today is the closing date for those jobs we advertised but you always get a last minute flurry of applications and they have been flowing in all day!

Thursday 5 March 2009

It's here! It's here!

Yea! The silk yarn I ordered to knit my next project has arrived!

It took me ages to decide the colour there were so many to choose from and you don’t always get a good idea of what they will look like when you buy online, but I think I made the right choice! I loved the cream shades and the white shades and the gold colour shades and the blue shades, well all of the shades really (except “just thrown-up yellow”) In the end I decided to go for the “dark pink, and it’s gorgeous! Now I’m waiting for my nice new needles to arrive so I can start knitting it!

I have also FINALLY managed to get a couple of small project finished! The blue scarf I knit for a colleague who admired the one I had made for another colleague last Christmas! I didn’t mind knitting one up for her, but to be honest I did get fed up knitting it halfway through and it took me ages to get it done!

The phone sock I just whipped up quickly using some free yarn that came with a knitting mag. I wasn’t sure what to do with it and knitted and unpicked it several times before I decided on a phone sock! I used green organza ribbon as ties and added a couple of really pretty glass beads to jazz it up a bit! Pity the photography doesn’t do it justice!

Phew – that’s it for another day. I’ve finally got round to talking about knitting again! It seems ages since I’ve finished anything or got very far with anything!

Saturday 28 February 2009

It's official - I'm a sado!

It's been a really hectic few weeks at work and I have officially become a sado! There I was 8.30 on a Saturday night sifting through job applications and even answering work emails! Mind you it will save my sanity come closing data for applications as there are so many for so few jobs and to do them all in one go would send me over the edge! The credit crunch is really hitting hard now judging by the number of applications for jobs, most coming from those sectors that have been hit the hardest. Times are hard and it shows.

On a less sad note, I had a nice day out! I spent the morning with the gorgeous Henry (OK I know I'm biased!) He wanted to buy guitar hero for his x-box, I though I'd invest in some ear plugs for me to go with it! The afternoon was spent with the lovely Hollie prom dress shopping. She is very practical and decided that she'd hire a dress because it's not worth buying one and only wearing it once! We went to a boutique near where we live and it took her all of 5 minutes to find the perfect dress! Mind you she did have an idea of what she was looking for and it looks stunning!

On the knitting front it's been rather quiet! I am waiting for my silk yarn to arrive so I can start knitting the lovely top in this months Lets Knit - alas no sign of it yet. I still have numerous UFOs but will work my way through them when I'm not being a total sado!

Monday 23 February 2009

Still no knitting....

Where does the time go? I just don't seem to have had the chance to get much knitting done lately! Mind you when I get home from work I'm only fit for collapsing on the sofa and watching the soaps and ready for bed by 8.30 - what an old fart I am!

Mind you I have discovered the joy of knitting forums! I seem to be on Ravelry a lot lately and I keep finding various groups full of message boards from like minded people - its great! The latest one I've joined is a group for clutterbugs with good intentions of clearing the clutter - its inspiring and nice to know I'm not the only messy knitter around! It has given me inspiration to start the spring cleaning and start clearing out all my rubbish, I'm starting with my wardrobe this weekend!

There are so many other knitting forums I can't keep up with them all! I tend to dip in and out every so often or I'd find myself spending all my time reading and answering message threads! There are a lot of great knitters out there, but in the same vain there are a lot of weirdos too who have far too much time on their hands and love to stir up a row! Still it keeps me entertained!

Well as it's almost 10 its way way past my bedtime so I'm off to get my beauty sleep (mind you if its beauty sleep I need I should have been in bed as soon as I got in form work!)

Friday 20 February 2009

All seems quiet....

...on the Eastern coast! It seems ages since I last post, but nothing has really happened of interest over the last few days! Well nothing blog readers would be interested in anyway unless you really want me to waffle about office politics (and believe me I could write a book on that subject alone!)

Am back at uni again this week, it seems to have come round so quickly! We are studying the exciting world of Information Technology (woo hoo!) and I have to say it is riveting - NOT! Oh well am preparing myself for an 8am start tomorrow, which in itself is outrageous on a weekend!

The knitting has been a little slow of late, I need some inspiration and an injction of surplus cash to splurge on all the luxury yarns I want to try out! Typically all the projects I really want to do use high quality yarns and somehow I just don't want to replace the yarn for any other! Oh well, better win the lottery soon so I can be a lady of leisure and afford to knit with those high end yarns!

Thursday 12 February 2009

Snow fun...

... when you're stuck out in the cold, stranded trying to get across town! I had bright idea that I would go across town to pick Hollie up from her friends to save her getting the bus in the horrible snow. The roads are the worst I've seen them for years! Anyway I got halfway there and got stranded so we had to stop the car and sit it out for about an hour! Henry got the blanket I carry round in the boot, wrapped himself up and had a nap - after running round in the white stuff and snowballing the car until he was bored!

Anyway, mustn't grumble at Hollie, she was off school today because she had an interview at college for an acting course. The good news is she got in - despite forgetting her lines! Apparently her acting was very natural and that swung it for her - she is delighted! She has applied for other courses too and has interviews for them all, but at least she now knows she has been accepted on one of them and has a place doing something she loves! Yea Hollie!

Monday 2 February 2009

Brrrr a cold and manic Monday...

Well they said it would snow, and it certainly did! I would prefer if it snowed on a weekend rather then on a work day! I managed to get through to the office to find a total of 6 people had made it in! The best thing is, three of them all started today! That’s the trouble of working in the middle of the country, when it snows people can’t get in! Anyway I decided to close the building early so everyone could get home while it was still light – and of course I could get home to me knitting! I did manage to get into Driffield at lunchtime with my best mate, who was one of the new starters, and had a very much needed hot chocolate!

Its just wet outside now so not too bad, here’s hoping that the weather gets better.

Sunday 1 February 2009

Finally a finished project!

At last, I’ve finished the hat and scarf set I was knitting for my Mother-in-law for Christmas! By the way, that is Christmas 2009, I thought I would get myself organised and start my Christmas knitting early this year. Well that’s my story and I’m sticking to it!

I have however discovered that I am suffering from a common condition shared by knitters born in the month of April! I joined a Ravelry group for knitters who were born in the month of April and it seems that the majority of us are suffering from knitting ADD! We all seem to have numerous projects on the go, all unfinished – it’s nice to know I’m not the only one and I would guess it doesn’t only affect April knitters!

So what did I do once I’d finished my hat and scarf? Well I uses I should have started working to finish another one of my UFO’s, but that would be too easy and uncharacteristic for a knitting ADD sufferer! No, I looked longingly at my stash and decided to start knitting a super chunky tunic to slouch round in! So there you go, one project off the needles and another straight back on so I am no further off finishing my UFOs!

Friday 30 January 2009

The slow progress of my knitting projects...

...I think I am the world's slowest knitter! It seems to be taking me an age to complete anything! I am in the process of knitting two scarves and a hat but none of them getting very far - or maybe I am too impatient! At least I have an excuse this week, I have somehow managed to strain my shoulder so it is quite painful to knit too much at the moment - but as to how I strained it - it is a mystery! I just woke up with it really sore one morning! It is feeling much better now though, so well on the mend.

I went back to work yesterday and had a wonder into the local town at lunchtime - mind you I forgot it was market day and the main road closed off and parking virtually impossible! Fortunately the parking fairy was knid to me and I took the last space in the car park! I love wondering round the town, they have some really fab shops, can't wait for my friend to start working with us so we can do shopping and lunch! All I bought though was a knitting magazine I've not bought before and it has some really fab patterns in - the only thing is it will take me a century to knit all the ones I like!

Oh well, onwards and upwards - looking forward to a chilled out weekend!

Saturday 24 January 2009

Where did this week go?

I can’t believe it’s been a week since I last posted anything on here! I don’t know where this week has gone; only it went very quickly!

It’s been a busy one, and I only got the chance to sit down and unwind yesterday! I went round to my friends last night where a few of us had a catch up as we haven’t got together since Christmas! My friend Dawne went diving in Israel over the New Year, she really enjoyed it despite it being extremely expensive over there! She looked well on it though.

Almost forgot, we have a lovely big crack in our lounge ceiling where the water from our flooded bathroom came through! At least the toilet isn’t leaking anymore as we FINALLY got a plumber to it, just wonder how long it will take them to come and fix the ceiling – I’d bet 4 weeks after much nagging and many hone calls – lets see……..

As for my knitting, I’m still plodding on with a hat and scarf set that is destined to be a Christmas present this year! Have to start knitting now for Christmas or I’d never get it finished! The only thing is I’m likely to put it away somewhere safe and then forget all about it when I need it!

Saturday 17 January 2009

All work and no play...

...makes Gilly very tired! Can’t believe how exhausted I am after our session at uni this morning! Still its over for another 6 weeks, well apart from the project we’ve been given to do! At least our group are really well organised and we know what we’re supposed to be doing (I think!)

Henry’s stayed over at a friend’s last night, it was really quite at home without him, even though he never seems to make much noise when he is here! Here is a picky of him about to get the chop! lol

It’s weird how the house seems empty when the kids are out. Hollie wasn’t complaining, she enjoyed the peace and quiet, although didn’t quite get her room tidied! Mind you they are all here tonight plus one extra!

Since I have finished my uni stuff (for the time being anyway) I actually got some knitting done! I am in the process of knitting a hat and scarf set and also have another scarf on the go. One pattern is quite complicated, the other a no brainer so I’ve been switching between the two.

Oh well, off for a nice long soak in the bath and an evening of chilling out on the settee watching TV!

Thursday 15 January 2009

Yea another assignment finished!

Woo hoo! Finally got my assignment on project management finished and handed in! Hopefully it will pass, it ain't the best one I’ve done but its such a massive and VERY dull subject I really couldn't get into it! Oh well on with the next one which is consultancy, but the assignment is twice as big! It’s a good job we’re working in groups!

The knitting has been put on a bit of a backburner just lately with the chaos at work and the assignment. I went to have a look at my new office the other day and there is small area with comfy chairs and a coffee table next to my desk, perfect for an hours knitting at lunchtime I thought. Mind you I had the though aloud and then told my new team members that I’ll bring me knitting in and teach them all to knit! You should have seen the look on their faces – totally horror! Obviously knitting and IT people don’t mix! They’ll get used to my sense of humour, eventually (I hope!)

Well as I had an early finish from uni I’m off to pick up Henry from Granny’s and then heading back home to have a well deserved sit down and get on with some knitting. Good job I’ve started knitting this year’s Christmas presents now, I JUST might get it done!

Saturday 10 January 2009

Reminiscing over holiday snaps...

...and I saw this one and the look on Hollie’s face is priceless! Couldn’t help adding a thought bubble because I am pretty sure that is exactly what she is thinking looking at that expression!

Sometimes its worth looking at the background of pictures, that's where all the hidden gems are! Must stop procrastinating now and get my assignment finished! Sigh no knitting for me this weekend.

Friday 9 January 2009

Another week goes by.......

Its been a busy week! I went for a job interview on Wednesday and the receptionist at work asked me if I'd knit her a scarf like the one I knit for a colleague for Christmas! Nice to know its appreciated. When I went online to order the yarn for it I found a website selling clearance items and managed to buy a whole load of yarn very cheap! I was very impressed with the service, I ordered it yesterday and it arrived today and for just over £20 I am now the owner of 10 ball each of Sirdar Fizz, Bigga, Super Nova and Frenzy. It was knitting heaven! Now all I need to do is find some great patterns to knit up!

Baldy has gone to visit his Mum and Dad for a couple of days so have had a copule of days peace - bliss! I haven't managed to do any knitting though yet but I'm sure I will before the weekend is out - just off to look for some patterns now! Oh I did get the job I was intereviewed for - New Year, New Job, New Knitting Projects!

Sunday 4 January 2009

Happy New Year!

It seems an age since I last wrote on here and since we flew off to Florida for our holidays! We got back on Friday and I’ve only just about managed to do all the washing and ironing and am nowhere near ready to think about getting back into the swing of things and back to work! Still it won’t take long to feel like I’ve never been away!

Florida was glorious over Christmas we had average temperatures of 26 degrees which felt weird for us over Christmas – still I’m not complaining! We had a great time in all the theme parks and got to see most of the shows we wanted to see while over there, but I think we’ll want to go again just in case we missed anything! The picture on the right is Cinderella's castle lit up at night, it cahnges colour and looks spectacular! I have posted more piccys on my Flickr account and more to come later on when I get round to uploading them! The link is:

Well back to reality and New Year’s resolutions – I’ve made the same one I make every year and that is NOT to make any resolutions. That didn’t last long as I started to make a list of knitting related resolutions! The list includes using up my stash and starting my Christmas 09 knitting, well about now really as I am so slow with it! Still you know what they say about the nest laid plans of men and mice……

That’s about it for now, I’m going to finish the ironing and get some groceries in as the cupboard is bare! Happy New Year!