Thursday 12 February 2009

Snow fun...

... when you're stuck out in the cold, stranded trying to get across town! I had bright idea that I would go across town to pick Hollie up from her friends to save her getting the bus in the horrible snow. The roads are the worst I've seen them for years! Anyway I got halfway there and got stranded so we had to stop the car and sit it out for about an hour! Henry got the blanket I carry round in the boot, wrapped himself up and had a nap - after running round in the white stuff and snowballing the car until he was bored!

Anyway, mustn't grumble at Hollie, she was off school today because she had an interview at college for an acting course. The good news is she got in - despite forgetting her lines! Apparently her acting was very natural and that swung it for her - she is delighted! She has applied for other courses too and has interviews for them all, but at least she now knows she has been accepted on one of them and has a place doing something she loves! Yea Hollie!

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