Saturday 28 February 2009

It's official - I'm a sado!

It's been a really hectic few weeks at work and I have officially become a sado! There I was 8.30 on a Saturday night sifting through job applications and even answering work emails! Mind you it will save my sanity come closing data for applications as there are so many for so few jobs and to do them all in one go would send me over the edge! The credit crunch is really hitting hard now judging by the number of applications for jobs, most coming from those sectors that have been hit the hardest. Times are hard and it shows.

On a less sad note, I had a nice day out! I spent the morning with the gorgeous Henry (OK I know I'm biased!) He wanted to buy guitar hero for his x-box, I though I'd invest in some ear plugs for me to go with it! The afternoon was spent with the lovely Hollie prom dress shopping. She is very practical and decided that she'd hire a dress because it's not worth buying one and only wearing it once! We went to a boutique near where we live and it took her all of 5 minutes to find the perfect dress! Mind you she did have an idea of what she was looking for and it looks stunning!

On the knitting front it's been rather quiet! I am waiting for my silk yarn to arrive so I can start knitting the lovely top in this months Lets Knit - alas no sign of it yet. I still have numerous UFOs but will work my way through them when I'm not being a total sado!

Monday 23 February 2009

Still no knitting....

Where does the time go? I just don't seem to have had the chance to get much knitting done lately! Mind you when I get home from work I'm only fit for collapsing on the sofa and watching the soaps and ready for bed by 8.30 - what an old fart I am!

Mind you I have discovered the joy of knitting forums! I seem to be on Ravelry a lot lately and I keep finding various groups full of message boards from like minded people - its great! The latest one I've joined is a group for clutterbugs with good intentions of clearing the clutter - its inspiring and nice to know I'm not the only messy knitter around! It has given me inspiration to start the spring cleaning and start clearing out all my rubbish, I'm starting with my wardrobe this weekend!

There are so many other knitting forums I can't keep up with them all! I tend to dip in and out every so often or I'd find myself spending all my time reading and answering message threads! There are a lot of great knitters out there, but in the same vain there are a lot of weirdos too who have far too much time on their hands and love to stir up a row! Still it keeps me entertained!

Well as it's almost 10 its way way past my bedtime so I'm off to get my beauty sleep (mind you if its beauty sleep I need I should have been in bed as soon as I got in form work!)

Friday 20 February 2009

All seems quiet....

...on the Eastern coast! It seems ages since I last post, but nothing has really happened of interest over the last few days! Well nothing blog readers would be interested in anyway unless you really want me to waffle about office politics (and believe me I could write a book on that subject alone!)

Am back at uni again this week, it seems to have come round so quickly! We are studying the exciting world of Information Technology (woo hoo!) and I have to say it is riveting - NOT! Oh well am preparing myself for an 8am start tomorrow, which in itself is outrageous on a weekend!

The knitting has been a little slow of late, I need some inspiration and an injction of surplus cash to splurge on all the luxury yarns I want to try out! Typically all the projects I really want to do use high quality yarns and somehow I just don't want to replace the yarn for any other! Oh well, better win the lottery soon so I can be a lady of leisure and afford to knit with those high end yarns!

Thursday 12 February 2009

Snow fun...

... when you're stuck out in the cold, stranded trying to get across town! I had bright idea that I would go across town to pick Hollie up from her friends to save her getting the bus in the horrible snow. The roads are the worst I've seen them for years! Anyway I got halfway there and got stranded so we had to stop the car and sit it out for about an hour! Henry got the blanket I carry round in the boot, wrapped himself up and had a nap - after running round in the white stuff and snowballing the car until he was bored!

Anyway, mustn't grumble at Hollie, she was off school today because she had an interview at college for an acting course. The good news is she got in - despite forgetting her lines! Apparently her acting was very natural and that swung it for her - she is delighted! She has applied for other courses too and has interviews for them all, but at least she now knows she has been accepted on one of them and has a place doing something she loves! Yea Hollie!

Monday 2 February 2009

Brrrr a cold and manic Monday...

Well they said it would snow, and it certainly did! I would prefer if it snowed on a weekend rather then on a work day! I managed to get through to the office to find a total of 6 people had made it in! The best thing is, three of them all started today! That’s the trouble of working in the middle of the country, when it snows people can’t get in! Anyway I decided to close the building early so everyone could get home while it was still light – and of course I could get home to me knitting! I did manage to get into Driffield at lunchtime with my best mate, who was one of the new starters, and had a very much needed hot chocolate!

Its just wet outside now so not too bad, here’s hoping that the weather gets better.

Sunday 1 February 2009

Finally a finished project!

At last, I’ve finished the hat and scarf set I was knitting for my Mother-in-law for Christmas! By the way, that is Christmas 2009, I thought I would get myself organised and start my Christmas knitting early this year. Well that’s my story and I’m sticking to it!

I have however discovered that I am suffering from a common condition shared by knitters born in the month of April! I joined a Ravelry group for knitters who were born in the month of April and it seems that the majority of us are suffering from knitting ADD! We all seem to have numerous projects on the go, all unfinished – it’s nice to know I’m not the only one and I would guess it doesn’t only affect April knitters!

So what did I do once I’d finished my hat and scarf? Well I uses I should have started working to finish another one of my UFO’s, but that would be too easy and uncharacteristic for a knitting ADD sufferer! No, I looked longingly at my stash and decided to start knitting a super chunky tunic to slouch round in! So there you go, one project off the needles and another straight back on so I am no further off finishing my UFOs!