Sunday 3 May 2009

Day from Hell....

...describes yesterday to a tee! Well OK it wasn't that bad and it was really only the morning that was a disaster, but there was a whole chain of events that made me think I was going mad!

I knew it was going to be one of those days when I stepped out of the front door and landed flat on my backside! I had somehow managed to cockle over on the front door step and finished up sat on the floor, with a throbbing graze on my hip! When I finally got up and drove into the small town near us, I had a sneezing fit and as my pelvic floor isn't what it used to be - had a slight accident, which I have to add the kids found highly hilarious! By this point I was thinking I should have stayed in bed!

Things picked up until I looked at my bank account and was horrified to see it was almost empty! Have I over spent on Birthdays? No, the online supermarket that at this point shall remain nameless had done it again! Back in February the online service I use managed to take payment out three times and although the money was still sat in my bank, I couldn't actually access it as it had been ring fenced! Well this had happened again - only a much bigger amount! I was livid to say the least! After a lengthy conversation with my bank it finally got sorted and the money was released so I am now able to actually draw some out, but as for the supermarket - I haven't even started with them yet!!! Needless to say I won't be using that service again, I guess I'll just have to actually go and do my shopping myself! Ill be complaining when I have composed myself and my fury has subsided a little!

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