Friday 30 January 2009

The slow progress of my knitting projects...

...I think I am the world's slowest knitter! It seems to be taking me an age to complete anything! I am in the process of knitting two scarves and a hat but none of them getting very far - or maybe I am too impatient! At least I have an excuse this week, I have somehow managed to strain my shoulder so it is quite painful to knit too much at the moment - but as to how I strained it - it is a mystery! I just woke up with it really sore one morning! It is feeling much better now though, so well on the mend.

I went back to work yesterday and had a wonder into the local town at lunchtime - mind you I forgot it was market day and the main road closed off and parking virtually impossible! Fortunately the parking fairy was knid to me and I took the last space in the car park! I love wondering round the town, they have some really fab shops, can't wait for my friend to start working with us so we can do shopping and lunch! All I bought though was a knitting magazine I've not bought before and it has some really fab patterns in - the only thing is it will take me a century to knit all the ones I like!

Oh well, onwards and upwards - looking forward to a chilled out weekend!

Saturday 24 January 2009

Where did this week go?

I can’t believe it’s been a week since I last posted anything on here! I don’t know where this week has gone; only it went very quickly!

It’s been a busy one, and I only got the chance to sit down and unwind yesterday! I went round to my friends last night where a few of us had a catch up as we haven’t got together since Christmas! My friend Dawne went diving in Israel over the New Year, she really enjoyed it despite it being extremely expensive over there! She looked well on it though.

Almost forgot, we have a lovely big crack in our lounge ceiling where the water from our flooded bathroom came through! At least the toilet isn’t leaking anymore as we FINALLY got a plumber to it, just wonder how long it will take them to come and fix the ceiling – I’d bet 4 weeks after much nagging and many hone calls – lets see……..

As for my knitting, I’m still plodding on with a hat and scarf set that is destined to be a Christmas present this year! Have to start knitting now for Christmas or I’d never get it finished! The only thing is I’m likely to put it away somewhere safe and then forget all about it when I need it!

Saturday 17 January 2009

All work and no play...

...makes Gilly very tired! Can’t believe how exhausted I am after our session at uni this morning! Still its over for another 6 weeks, well apart from the project we’ve been given to do! At least our group are really well organised and we know what we’re supposed to be doing (I think!)

Henry’s stayed over at a friend’s last night, it was really quite at home without him, even though he never seems to make much noise when he is here! Here is a picky of him about to get the chop! lol

It’s weird how the house seems empty when the kids are out. Hollie wasn’t complaining, she enjoyed the peace and quiet, although didn’t quite get her room tidied! Mind you they are all here tonight plus one extra!

Since I have finished my uni stuff (for the time being anyway) I actually got some knitting done! I am in the process of knitting a hat and scarf set and also have another scarf on the go. One pattern is quite complicated, the other a no brainer so I’ve been switching between the two.

Oh well, off for a nice long soak in the bath and an evening of chilling out on the settee watching TV!

Thursday 15 January 2009

Yea another assignment finished!

Woo hoo! Finally got my assignment on project management finished and handed in! Hopefully it will pass, it ain't the best one I’ve done but its such a massive and VERY dull subject I really couldn't get into it! Oh well on with the next one which is consultancy, but the assignment is twice as big! It’s a good job we’re working in groups!

The knitting has been put on a bit of a backburner just lately with the chaos at work and the assignment. I went to have a look at my new office the other day and there is small area with comfy chairs and a coffee table next to my desk, perfect for an hours knitting at lunchtime I thought. Mind you I had the though aloud and then told my new team members that I’ll bring me knitting in and teach them all to knit! You should have seen the look on their faces – totally horror! Obviously knitting and IT people don’t mix! They’ll get used to my sense of humour, eventually (I hope!)

Well as I had an early finish from uni I’m off to pick up Henry from Granny’s and then heading back home to have a well deserved sit down and get on with some knitting. Good job I’ve started knitting this year’s Christmas presents now, I JUST might get it done!

Saturday 10 January 2009

Reminiscing over holiday snaps...

...and I saw this one and the look on Hollie’s face is priceless! Couldn’t help adding a thought bubble because I am pretty sure that is exactly what she is thinking looking at that expression!

Sometimes its worth looking at the background of pictures, that's where all the hidden gems are! Must stop procrastinating now and get my assignment finished! Sigh no knitting for me this weekend.

Friday 9 January 2009

Another week goes by.......

Its been a busy week! I went for a job interview on Wednesday and the receptionist at work asked me if I'd knit her a scarf like the one I knit for a colleague for Christmas! Nice to know its appreciated. When I went online to order the yarn for it I found a website selling clearance items and managed to buy a whole load of yarn very cheap! I was very impressed with the service, I ordered it yesterday and it arrived today and for just over £20 I am now the owner of 10 ball each of Sirdar Fizz, Bigga, Super Nova and Frenzy. It was knitting heaven! Now all I need to do is find some great patterns to knit up!

Baldy has gone to visit his Mum and Dad for a couple of days so have had a copule of days peace - bliss! I haven't managed to do any knitting though yet but I'm sure I will before the weekend is out - just off to look for some patterns now! Oh I did get the job I was intereviewed for - New Year, New Job, New Knitting Projects!

Sunday 4 January 2009

Happy New Year!

It seems an age since I last wrote on here and since we flew off to Florida for our holidays! We got back on Friday and I’ve only just about managed to do all the washing and ironing and am nowhere near ready to think about getting back into the swing of things and back to work! Still it won’t take long to feel like I’ve never been away!

Florida was glorious over Christmas we had average temperatures of 26 degrees which felt weird for us over Christmas – still I’m not complaining! We had a great time in all the theme parks and got to see most of the shows we wanted to see while over there, but I think we’ll want to go again just in case we missed anything! The picture on the right is Cinderella's castle lit up at night, it cahnges colour and looks spectacular! I have posted more piccys on my Flickr account and more to come later on when I get round to uploading them! The link is:

Well back to reality and New Year’s resolutions – I’ve made the same one I make every year and that is NOT to make any resolutions. That didn’t last long as I started to make a list of knitting related resolutions! The list includes using up my stash and starting my Christmas 09 knitting, well about now really as I am so slow with it! Still you know what they say about the nest laid plans of men and mice……

That’s about it for now, I’m going to finish the ironing and get some groceries in as the cupboard is bare! Happy New Year!