Wednesday 29 October 2008

Kids, shopping and bargains!

Really enjoyed my retail therapy today with one of my best mates. Would have enjoyed it even more if I hadn't had a phone call in the middle of Primark from my darling teenage daughter asking me to meet up with her so she can get her ear pierced! Agggghhhh kids, is there ever any respite? Despite my protests we did meet her and I took her for her ear piercing then sent her on her merry way. She still rang me several more times to complain about her ear ache!

Didn't do a vast amount of shopping, though I did get a bargain dress for an astronomical sum of £1! OK its a summer dress but as we are jetting off to the sun this Christmas thought it would be ideal! I might even start thinking about packing soon, or maybe not! Really must start thinking about Christmas shopping though, I haven't done a thing yet and I'm usually nearly finished by this time every year!

Finished the day off with a lovely meal at Chiquitos then after several more hone calls from my daughter picking her and her friend up and bringing them home! Kids - they drive me insane! Need to do some knitting to calm the nerves - on with the epic throw......

Tuesday 28 October 2008

Almost there.....

Its been really cold up here today, definately a good day to stay in and get some knitting done! So I did just that!

I finally got round to taking a picture of my epic throw, it seems to have taken me forever to get this far. Today though I was determined to get it almost finished, and the good news is -I did!

I managed to complete all the long panels and even managed to get them sewed together (which is the bit I really hate doing) and all I have left to do now is knit up the lacy edging. That shouldn't take me too long the pattern is only over 7 sts so even I think I can do it fairly quickly although there is a mistake in the print of the pattern! I tried knitting it 3 times and each time I was 2 sts too short - I thought I was going mad! Still I worked it out and have managed to knit up several pattern repeats already! Mind you that will leave me with an epic sewing up job (groan). It'll be worth it in the end though!

Tomorrow I am off into town for a bit of retail therapy and a break from the kids, husband and my epic knitting project! Think I might pop into our local wool shop though - I mean once this project is finished I'll want to get stuck into something else!

Sunday 26 October 2008

Knitty dilema......

Well despite the clock going back an hour making today an hour longer then normal, there still aren't enough hours in the day!!

I had my day all planned out, I was going to devote it to my epic throw project determined to get it finished before Christmas. Alas I am getting itchy fingers, there are soooo many lovely projects out there I want to get on with my mind started to wonder and I am now planning my next epic throw distracting me from my current project!

On top of that my long awaited Ravelry invite appeared in my inbox! Woo hoo! I couldn't wait to get started so I ended up spending more time attached to my laptop then intended! I've only scratched the surface but I think I'm going to like it on there.

I have also had the trials and tribulations of running round after teenagers who seem quite incapable of doing the simplest thing for themselves. The only phrases they seem to know are "food"; "money"; and "lift" and go completely deaf when you ask them to take their dirty pots away, tidy their room or even put the dirty washing in the wash basket! Bless 'em - good job I love 'em to pieces or I think I'd be completely insane!

Needles to say I didn't quite get as much done on my current project as I wanted to what with planning my next project, Ravelry and the kids still I might just get it finished in time for Christmas - Christmas 2009 that is!

Friday 24 October 2008

Its Friday!

Phew the end of another chaotic week! We are all moving offices at work so I have spent the day packing up my stuff ready for the move, I never knew I had so much rubbish in such a small area! At least I have a week off now to return to the bedlam after half term!

I'm still working on my epic bed throw, it is looking really good now I've managed to sew some of the panels together! 5 panels down, 2 to go and then the massive edging job that will need doing once its all sewn up! I am determined to finish it this week, although you know what they say about the best laid plans.......

Saturday 18 October 2008

Another one of those days!

Phew, finally the end of one of those chaotic days! I planned to have a nice chilled out day with my needles finishing off my lace throw, alas this was not meant to be!

My darling daughter announced that it is her friends Birthday tomorrow and could I make her a mobile phone sock for his present! Great at this rate it will be next winter when I get my throw finished!

Still I can’t complain too much, it was a knitting project she wanted me to do and it gave me an excuse to leave the ironing, for an hour or so anyway! So after my routine taxi duties to the kids I sat down and got my thinking cap on and my stash out! I was quite pleased with the result I have never tried two colour cable before but I think it worked well (although my photography ain’t so great!)

Anyway that was another one down (I’ll write the pattern out and post it when I get round to it) so back to my ever growing throw, which I hope I’ll get finished soon!

Friday 17 October 2008

Finally more time to knit.....

At last the monster project I've been tied up with at work has ended! No more late nights means more time to devote to my latest knitting project, which has been a bit neglected lately!

It seems to be taking me forever to get my gorgeous lacy throw finished but I'm getting there slowly but surely! I'll post a piccy on here of the finished article but that may still be some time yet! I'm about halfway through though but there is loads of sewing up as its knit in panels, that's the worst bit - I'd much rather be sat with my two needles clicking away watching the soaps (eek that sounds really sad!)

Tuesday 14 October 2008

Let the waffle begin.......

Despite reading other peoples blogs, I never know what to put down to start with! I guess I could go on for hours and hours about me, my life, my knitting, my kids, my job, etc etc but that would be really really boring!

Instead I'll just leave it here for now and add posts as I go!