Thursday 15 January 2009

Yea another assignment finished!

Woo hoo! Finally got my assignment on project management finished and handed in! Hopefully it will pass, it ain't the best one I’ve done but its such a massive and VERY dull subject I really couldn't get into it! Oh well on with the next one which is consultancy, but the assignment is twice as big! It’s a good job we’re working in groups!

The knitting has been put on a bit of a backburner just lately with the chaos at work and the assignment. I went to have a look at my new office the other day and there is small area with comfy chairs and a coffee table next to my desk, perfect for an hours knitting at lunchtime I thought. Mind you I had the though aloud and then told my new team members that I’ll bring me knitting in and teach them all to knit! You should have seen the look on their faces – totally horror! Obviously knitting and IT people don’t mix! They’ll get used to my sense of humour, eventually (I hope!)

Well as I had an early finish from uni I’m off to pick up Henry from Granny’s and then heading back home to have a well deserved sit down and get on with some knitting. Good job I’ve started knitting this year’s Christmas presents now, I JUST might get it done!

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