Saturday 16 May 2009

Still all Hell and no notion.....

I can't believe where this year has gone! I blinked and we are almost halfway through it! I think because work is still so very very hectic the days are going quicker, though I think that is a good ting for a work day! I get in and before I know it its time to go home, still I'd rather be busy then being bored at work.

Good news on the Uni assignments, my last one, rushed though at last minute and I thought was total rubbish, actually came back with a Distinction grade! I almost fainted! Still it doesn't help me with the one I have to cobble together this weekend though! I'm already late with it and haven't even started it, luckily I got an extension and am taking the day off on Monday to finish. At least the one after that is a really fascinating subject and I am now already planning my dissertation.

Nothing much has really happened since my last post apart from work, uni, and more work! That includes no knitting. I really want to get my silk top finished but just don't seem to have the energy when I get home and weekends are full of writing! I know all work and no play makes Gilly a dull girl, but it won't be forever, work will calm down in a month or so and uni will be over in September (well for a few weeks at least!)

Oh well off back to the writing, 5,000 on the joys of marketing - what fun!

Sunday 3 May 2009

Day from Hell....

...describes yesterday to a tee! Well OK it wasn't that bad and it was really only the morning that was a disaster, but there was a whole chain of events that made me think I was going mad!

I knew it was going to be one of those days when I stepped out of the front door and landed flat on my backside! I had somehow managed to cockle over on the front door step and finished up sat on the floor, with a throbbing graze on my hip! When I finally got up and drove into the small town near us, I had a sneezing fit and as my pelvic floor isn't what it used to be - had a slight accident, which I have to add the kids found highly hilarious! By this point I was thinking I should have stayed in bed!

Things picked up until I looked at my bank account and was horrified to see it was almost empty! Have I over spent on Birthdays? No, the online supermarket that at this point shall remain nameless had done it again! Back in February the online service I use managed to take payment out three times and although the money was still sat in my bank, I couldn't actually access it as it had been ring fenced! Well this had happened again - only a much bigger amount! I was livid to say the least! After a lengthy conversation with my bank it finally got sorted and the money was released so I am now able to actually draw some out, but as for the supermarket - I haven't even started with them yet!!! Needless to say I won't be using that service again, I guess I'll just have to actually go and do my shopping myself! Ill be complaining when I have composed myself and my fury has subsided a little!

May Bank Holiday - its here already!

I can't believe the speed this year has gone! Work deadlines are looming when it seems like yesterday we had "ages" to get things done! It will be half term again before I know it and Hollie will be leaving school, mind you it only seems like 5 minutes ago she was born. Back in the here and now I am just going to enjoy this weekend as it'll probably be the last work free one for a while as I have yet another assignment to complete - still at the rate this year is going, my course will have ended in the blink of an eye!

Its been a busy birthday month for me, there are loads of April birthdays at work and closer to home two of my best friends within days of each other! Sandie is seeing Dawne before I will so I dropped her pressie off there yesterday, she was looking well and really pleased she had an excellent review on her mini lesson she did for her teaching course, mind you I wasn't surprised, she is a natural teacher and has the patience of a saint! Well done Sandie!

A more difficult task was selecting gifts for an April birthday yarn swap which I joined on Ravelry. I was relieved when firstly the parcel actually arrived on time and secondly my swap buddy is really happy with it! I always tend to take ages deciding what to buy people and am never sure I get it right, so it's a relief to know when I do! My pressie from her was gorgeous, especially the divine silk/bamboo yarn in my favorite colour.

So other then birthdays its been fairly quiet. There is a lot going on at work but couldn't possibly divulge anything on here at the moment but watch this space (well watch it if you are really that interested, which I suspect you wouldn't be!)