Saturday 25 April 2009

Spring has sprung!

Well at last it seems that the nice weather is here, it's been a lovely week just hope it holds out a bit longer.

Work is finally settling down and I am getting used to my new team mates although its been a fraught process! I arranged a team building timeout event last week and I think we all understand each other a bit better, well at least I hope the others do! We are having trouble though finding a temp with the skills we need and that will fit into the team! Ah well these things are sent to try us.

We finally got started on the garden today, I am definitely no gardener and neither is Al! He merrily (not) cut the grass while I started on the weeding, then the cavalry arrived in the form of my Dad with more tools! He did notice though that not only had I been merrily pulling weeds up, I'd managed to take out most of the plants as well! Ops! At least its looking nice out there, well it will be once the weedkiller has taken hold on the patio anyway!

As for the knitting front to say its been slow would be an exaggeration! I haven't done any for a few weeks now, been too busy writing assignments! I have another one due in a couple of weeks and naturally I haven't even started! Looks like the knitting will be on hold a bit longer!

Saturday 11 April 2009

Back online again (just)...

Wow its been a hectic few weeks since I last posted! Work has been absolutely manic with the senior team running round like headless chickens which has rubbed off on the rest of us making for a very tense working atmosphere! I've been coming home with my head buzzing and still loads of stuff to finish! Oh joy, still silly season should be over soon although some of the personalities in the senior team I think will grate on me for eternity - I think ear plugs and stress balls will be permanently on my desk!

On top of this, Mother was taken into hospital. She is OK now but gave us all a bit of a fright! She is back home now which is a relief but still has to keep going back for tests. It didn't help she caught an infection while in hospital though, I'm sure she'll have something to say about that to them!

So with all the hell and no notion going on I am behind with my assignment for uni! I did get a week's extension, but have got writer's block! My head is so full of stuff at the moment it feels like there is constant chatter going on in my brain and non of it makes sense (OK I feel the straight jackets coming out now!) Fortunately I have been off work this week which was well needed, although I don't feel a week is long enough! I just hope everyone has calmed down when I get back!

Since I last posted I also turned 40! Now I feel really old and think I need a mid-life crisis! The celebrations lasted over a week in one way or another, but I'll blog about that later after I have written some more drivel about Information Management for my assignment! OK whinge over - back to the writing!