Sunday 14 December 2008

Phew - a hectic week........

Gosh can't believe its been a whole week since I last wrote on here! Its been one of those weeks, I have no idea where it went! Work has been a been busy, I'm trying to tie up all loose ends before I go on my holidays, but I'm getting there and have a fairly quiet couple of days ahead. It was the Christmas lunch on Friday and I indulged in my first and probably last turkey dinner of the season! It was a really nice lunch, my colleagues are all great and there is a really good atmosphere in the office, which is one of the reasons I don't think I'd want to change jobs! I have applied for another one, but its working in the same offices - mind you I am not sure whether it is what I really want. I'll do some thinking when I'm on holiday and make a decision when I get back - but you know what they say - nothing ventured, nothing gained.

We had the in-laws over this weekend for an early Christmas Day! It was really lovely to see them, although I still struggle to understand them! They have very broad South Yorkshire accents and talk quietly and with me being slightly deaf I really struggle to hear what they are saying. Still I’m getting used to it now and getting better at understanding! My parents came down as well for a bit and it was really nice to get everyone together, its also really nice when everyone gets on – have to say this is a first for me my previous in-laws were horrendous!

The knitting has taken a bit of a backseat lately, sadly. I have started to knit myself another hat in bright pink and black but haven’t got very far – been too busy! I’ll pick it up maybe later but think it will be resigned to “New Year” knitting projects! We still have to get ready for holidays and our friends who are coming to stay while we are away so more cleaning, bed changing, food shopping, Christmas present wrapping, card writing, packing………. The list is endless!

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