Friday 5 December 2008

Its a hatrick.....

Well the headline should read hat hell! I have been aimlessly flicking through patterns deciding what to knit next and really can't decide. So in the meantime I have decided to knit a hat for baldy! The thing is I haven't found a pattern I like so have decided to design my own for a beanie hat. So far so good, although I did attempt on circular needles at first but as I've never used them before I made a real mess of it. Oh well onwards and upwards! Its looking good so far but I might change my mind when it comes to calculating the shaping for the crown! I'll post the finished result on here when I eventually get it done and might even submit the pattern to Ravelry if people have a burning desire to knit it up!

On a general note, it’s been a funny week. Dear Henry has had a nasty ear infection and at one point I thought we weren't going to be able to fly, but with a course of anti-biotics he seems fine now, fingers crossed for Monday when hopefully he will get a clean bill of health and the go ahead to fly! That just leave Hollie and her list of ailments - bless her! Her knee and ankle are really hurting her now because she can't walk properly just yet with her broken toe! Oh well we’ll get there in the end (I hope!)

Had some good news today though, my friend who really hates her job managed to get the job she applied for in our office! I’m really looking forward to working with her again but I’m not sure that our boss knows what she has let herself in for!

Oh well back to the knitting, I’ll have to get this hat finished soon otherwise it will be Spring and not cold enough for baldy to wear it!

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