Sunday 26 October 2008

Knitty dilema......

Well despite the clock going back an hour making today an hour longer then normal, there still aren't enough hours in the day!!

I had my day all planned out, I was going to devote it to my epic throw project determined to get it finished before Christmas. Alas I am getting itchy fingers, there are soooo many lovely projects out there I want to get on with my mind started to wonder and I am now planning my next epic throw distracting me from my current project!

On top of that my long awaited Ravelry invite appeared in my inbox! Woo hoo! I couldn't wait to get started so I ended up spending more time attached to my laptop then intended! I've only scratched the surface but I think I'm going to like it on there.

I have also had the trials and tribulations of running round after teenagers who seem quite incapable of doing the simplest thing for themselves. The only phrases they seem to know are "food"; "money"; and "lift" and go completely deaf when you ask them to take their dirty pots away, tidy their room or even put the dirty washing in the wash basket! Bless 'em - good job I love 'em to pieces or I think I'd be completely insane!

Needles to say I didn't quite get as much done on my current project as I wanted to what with planning my next project, Ravelry and the kids still I might just get it finished in time for Christmas - Christmas 2009 that is!

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